A Day In The Life

Sian Williams

Sian Williams

Posted 01 January 2016

New York Program

March 2011 Intake

Sian Williams (New York, March 2011), a graduate of Aberystwyth University, currently works for FT Live which is the events division of the Financial Times. The department runs over 200 events a year and Sian works across a mix of three day industry conferences, award ceremonies and arts events.

"I cycle to work most days and arrive early so that I can shower and get breakfast before everyone else starts at 9.30. The week before a major event is always really busy so I spend the morning catching up on emails and confirming final arrangements with speakers, before joining the final project team meeting to plan the week ahead. A team of 10 of us will be flying out to Switzerland on the weekend to prepare for a three day summit which will begin on Monday.

"In the afternoon I send a final briefing to all speakers to confirm their travel and accommodation arrangements and agenda for the three days. We have over 30 speakers so this takes a while. I also make a start on planning the seating plan for the summit dinner which I will finalise next week and finishing off a few tasks for other events that will be coming up over the next few months. I spend the last part of the day updating the summit website with some last minute changes and help the Logistics Manager to pack the equipment to be shipped out to Switzerland."

Please note that FT Live are actively recruiting a Commercial Support Executive based in London. Full details on our alumni website.